Tuesday, December 13, 2016

                                                                 History: Foot Binding
    Another great project that I did in this semester was the history group project that I was in. I enjoyed this because I feel like m group did a good job at working together and at making the point get across. We did the slide show on shoe binding and we had four days to get this project done. My team mate and I divided the work and we wrote it all together on a Google slide show. This made it easier for all of us to work on it instead of only one or two people working on it. It also helped us see the progress of each group member. Along with doing creating the presentation we also had to present it to the class. I was very proud of my self because for my slide I just put key words and I knew what I needed to day instead of writing full sentences. I also made really good eye contact with all the students and the teacher in the room and I made sure to explain my slides well and answer any questions that people had.
       My first project that I  will present is my sociology mid term paper. I spent so much time on that paper and I felt like it showed how my writing has improved since I started at NDNU. I also thought that I did a really good job proving my point and using supporting evidence this project also go checked my one of the teachers at the writing center and she helped correct any mistakes I had or any parts that were unclear. This meant she kind of game me another chance to change it and I feel that this action was a great lead on to why I got  really good grade on this project. I was also extremely creative on the title for my paper. My paper was on the legal drinking age and the age on joining the military. In my essay I also talked about a  what the effects are of drinking early and what the effects are off the military
                                                               The Basketball game.

      When I was in high school I never attended any of my school games.  I never realized when hey were or I just couldn't go. When I got to college I promised myself that I would go to more games and that I will enjoy them. Even though I never went to a game I know that I am extremely competitive and I know that sometimes I can yell a little too much. However I promised myself that I would take it easy, and that's exactly what I did. I went to the college basketball game! I purposely went  to the game of a sport that I did not know vey well. I figured if I did not know about that sport then I would not be able to yell about it. When I got there the game had already started, and so I sat in front so that I wouldn't cross a lot of people. The day that I went to the game was also the day before a huge project that was due. I decided that I would go only for half an hour, however the game was so interesting and intense that I lost count of the time. before I knew it one hour and a half had passed. The game was almost over and we were loosing but I thought everyone was doing such a good job that I did not care. I thought it was amazing that they were running back and forth so many times. I also thought it was amazing that these students were so talented and had the ability to shoot a basket while there was hell pressure on them. In the end they ended up losing the game I had  lot of fun would love to go to another one.
On Thursday 8,
       I attended one of the most amazing thing on this campus. I went to a Black student Union   meeting and I can honestly say that this experience will say with me forever. I loved it there was so much that I learned! I was amazed on how much I didn't want to leave and on how interested I was in this topics. They taught us how to play African music with drums, bongos, and a lot of other unknown instruments. Then we talked about the flag and what the stripes meant for the African flag, the red stripe stands for blood/ struggle that the African people went through, the black stood for the people and the green stood for the land. I would  definitely recommend other people attend this event, and that they help make this club better because it is worth it. It made me feel like I was part of something special and that I had other friends in this school or other people who also like a minority it was very welcoming and I will attend whenever I get the chance. I am extremely certain that anyone who attends this even will want to return.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

LINK: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3200/TCHS.79.3.125-129?journalCode=vtch20


This article talks about one myth that homeschooling has, this myth is about the social misfits.  This myth says that people who are homeschooled don't understand or know how to communicate regularly. That the children who are homeschooled  are social awkward and they get anxiety. however, this is not completely accurate a lot of student can be social awkward and go to public schools. It really depends on the person who is getting homeschooled, there are people who are very social (like me) who get homeschooled and even though they are separated from other students it doesn't affect the was they socialize. In fact I believe people who are social and are homeschooled are more social than usually because they take advantage that have someone to talk too. Homeschooling may be up for debate but in all honestly It is making a difference and the education is the same. Some colleges started accepting homeschooled students because their grade are great. They are winning awards  for spelling bees and geography competitions.